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2001-08-03 - 15:22


So, I'm still sick; but I'm going home, anyway. Actually, it's mostly just a cough that's bothering me, but it's a monster cough. It gets terrible at night and it's been making it hard to fall asleep lately.

I even broke down and bought medicine, which is saying something for me. I don't have the benifit of living with a pharmacist anymore; but what I bought seems to be helping.

The combination of working late and being sick at night has stopped me from getting much done this week. The house is becoming a mess . . . not really of my creation, but who else is likely to clean? I also haven't gotten things together for my trip home, although I suppose that all I need is a few changes of clothes and my camera. No burned CDs for the Chooch this time. I just need to scoot from work a little early today, so that I can pack and make my way to the airport.

I'm looking forward to the reaction from home about my multi-coloured, shaved-sides haircut. That should get some laughs. I've been getting a few good comments and looks, although I'm rather oblivious and I tend to miss a lot of them. When we went downtown last Saturday, Greg had to point out to me that three people were staring at me. When he turned his head their way, one guy responded with, "What? We're not supposed to look?!" Heheh. The girl at Dairy Queen told me that she liked the purple better; but you can't please everyone, right?

So, I just need to wrap up a quiet day at the office (two people are away) and I'll be back in the homeland. The weather is looking good and I've already put in advance notice for quality homecooked meals (heheh) . . . everything is set.

Now I just need to figure out if I should fly to Connecticut next weekend to crash at Stefan's place and see Rollins Band. Hmm . . . always another plan to be made.


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