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2001-08-15 - 1:34

There's more to life than this

Another ordinary day, but that's not so bad. The boss was back from his trip today and everybody was in a good mood at work. Work has been enjoyably productive lately. I feel like I have a better handle on my current project now--it's been coming together well over the past couple of days.

Bj�rk tickets go on sale this Saturday. The price range is fairly wide, though, so I'll have to see what Richard is interested in buying. I'd rather get the best seats that I can, but I can see why someone might not want to pay 95 dollars for a ticket. We'll reach a decision. Considering that Richard'll be giving me a place to stay two weekends in a row, he's already saving me the cost of a top ticket several times over.

Work, eat, read, play games. Not too much to write about these days. But anyway, isn't life just a series of concerts separated by periods of low-key comedy?


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