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2001-08-21 - 0:59

Whitey will pay

My ship has come in . . . well, my stickers, at least. Woohoo! My former roommate Oak e-mailed me a while ago, pointing me to a web site that he thought I would like. And he was certainly right, as the following order demonstrates:

The flare obscures a couple of the stickers, but you get the idea. Not a bad combination of punk, geek, and silliness, I'd say. I also picked up a T-shirt that features the phrase "Keep music evil" and the metal hand sign. Classic. It's probably my new favourite shirt.

I got extra copies of several of the stickers, so I'll spread them around. The phrase "Think, dumbass" needs to be seen; and I'll have to give the boss a "Linux is the shit" sticker. Oh, and if I make another trip to Cali, I'll be sure to leave my "California is overrated" tag (or maybe I should give it to Liam, since he left the state).

Go check out the web site,, or at least browse the catalog. There are a ton of other excellent stickers, buttons, and shirts for sale. Actually, my favourite shirt, but one which I wasn't punk enought to buy, is the one saying, "Fuck with me and I will saw off your legs." Buy Unamerican!

Nothing else today topped the arrival of that order. I didn't work as late as I often do, but since I made my undeniably kick-ass pasta sauce, I burned a good chunk of my free time (but not the sauce itself). This summer, I've cooked less than ever. Everyone has had such different schedules--hell, Aaron wasn't even living here for two months--so it's unusual for us to even get together for a meal, let alone one that I cook.

Oh, and I also changed my links to reflect Jennie's site switch and list another of my regular journal reads. I get around to these things eventually.

Fugazify yourself,

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