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2001-08-24 - 0:53

It's pretty warm down here

Things went better at work today, since I decided to scrap one approach to my problem in favour of another solution. I was starting to get frustrated about not progressing faster on what I was doing. Hopefully, I'll have something respectable to show for my efforts by the end of tomorrow. (It should happen.)

I got a postcard from Zhuni today. (Thanks!) I think that it's great that the online journal thing has put me in contact with a few very cool, very nice people.

I also got my latest CD order today. Actually, it was an older order that had disappeared somehow and was recently replaced. (I have no complaints with CDNow's customer service.) I was most interested in the Low/Dirty Three collaboration; but I think that the Gun Club's Fire of Love has hooked me even more strongly.

After work, I spent most of the night hanging out with Ray and his friend. It's rare for Ray to stay around the house for a night, so it was cool to chill out. I also had one of my more extended sessions on the acoustic guitar. I actually feel as if I'm making some progress with it again lately--nothing monumental, but I'm definitely feeling more comfortable with it all the time.


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