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2001-10-09 - 22:52

Everytime I feel a hoarseness

I made it back from the latest Toronto trip. I definitely had a good time. It was cool being able to hang out with Richard and have a place to crash. As expected, Bj�rk was spectacular.

Unfortunately, I'm too fried right now to write very much. I got up quite early this morning to catch my flight back and make it to work. I haven't been feeling well all day and I've only felt worse since I came home tonight. I'm run-down, dizzy, tired, stiff, cold . . . just generally sick. Bleh.

Hopefully, I'll be able to sleep it off and feel better tomorrow. Whenever I am feeling more alive, I'll rattle off a concert review and go through the pictures that I took in Toronto. In the meantime, don't misread my current lack of energy as a lack of enthusiasm over the trip.


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