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2001-10-19 - 2:29

Breakout 2001

Whew. Not only did I just write my consolidated review of the two recent shows by Sloan and The Dears, I also wrote my long-delayed Bj�rk review. I was very slow with the latter, partly because I was sick when I got back to Ottawa and partly because it took me a while to decide what to say. Being seated for that concert made it seem like less of a real experience to me, so it was more difficult to lose myself in it and walk away with a feeling to try to capture. It was a great concert, though, and I'm content with what I wrote.

If you're interested, the reviews are at the usual locations. You can go to the Tomes for the Bj�rk review or my take on Sloan and The Dears. Or, if you prefer, you can find those pieces with all my other concert recaps on my home page's concert reviews section.

You've probably guessed by now that I've done just about all the writing that I'm about to tonight, so all you'll be getting here is plugs for those reviews.

Well, you're almost right, but I do have more good news to pass along. I found out today that The (International) Noise Conspiracy will be playing at Babylon in mid-November. Maybe Ottawa is going to start seeing some decent concerts. TINC is certainly a good start and now I have another show to get psyched for.

Oh hell, I'll write one more thing. It snowed last night! That seems a little early, although it felt nice after exiting a hot club.

There, now I'm really ready to admit defeat and fall asleep.


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