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2001-10-30 - 1:48

Dark age, indeed

As expected, DAoC has been sucking my time lately. It was bad enough when I was playing with Greg and Kelly, and a couple of Greg's friends; but once Aaron and Nick bought the game, that was it. It's definitely a lot of fun, although I think that now that the fad factor has passed, I won't play it as relentlessly.

That game was the past weekend, with a few exceptions. Friday was notable for the fact that Stefan and Sara were in town. I hadn't seen Stefan since I made a trip to Halifax in April, so it was definitely good to meet up again. The two of them were only in the area for part of the night, so I gave them my best condensed tour of Ottawa. We hit downtown, walked around the Parliament Buildings, and ended up in the Market for supper at the Heart and Crown. Not bad for having only a few hours, I'd say.

Saturday was very much a DAoC game, especially because that was when Nick started playing. About the only break that I took from the game was to go out for supper.

Sunday, I at least got outside for a little exercise, namely a walk around one of the trails near here, with Greg and Kelly. I ended up going out for supper yet again, hitting the New Hong Shing with Nick and Frankie.

It must make for exciting journal reading when I'm describing the two or three hours of my days when I wasn't either sleeping or playing that game.

Today, it was back to work, which went very well. There was something that I couldn't get to work properly on Friday, but the solution came to me sometime over the weekend, and I was rolling again this morning. I'm back to a fun part of the project and it's good to have a productive day like that.

Afterwards, I practiced my guitar for a little while. I had the electric out this time . . . I'm trying to be more rocking in anticipation of the Slayer concert two weekends from now. Heheh.

And, umm, yeah . . . after that and supper, I was back to that silly game. But I'm past the obsessive stage . . . really. Heh.


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