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2001-12-04 - 1:52


Today was somewhat of a burn-out. We had a busy day at work, since we were off to our former company in the afternoon to do a presentation and a demo. Naturally, we were still pulling everything together in the morning. I'm the type of person who resents being rushed, so I wouldn't have been overly happy about the scramble if I was doing a lot in the presentation; but, since my role was limited, I didn't mind. I was mostly there to help bring in the equipment and set up the demo.

Everything seemed to go very well. The only downside was that the early scramble left to time for lunch, so it was about 3:45 by the time that we got something to eat. That delay probably wasn't the best, since I barely had breakfast and I was going on my usual Monday lack of sleep. Ah well. As long as everything went well, I won't complain.

After putting in a couple more hours at the office, I came home and crashed. I pretty much went straight to bed and didn't get back up for a few hours. I think that I have myself back into a normal state, though.

Oddly enough, I didn't find the time to get too much else done tonight; but at least it was a good change-of-pace day at work.


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