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2001-12-05 - 1:55

Kicks off his stink-boot

Today was another good one. It was Don's birthday, so seven out of us went out for supper, which was cool. It ended up being a long day at work, so we went to eat straight from there around 7:00 and stayed out until close to 10:00. It was fun to yak over a good meal.

When I got home, I started listening to Kicking Against the Pricks, but that made me want to haul out the guitar. I went with the acoustic tonight, and spent a long while (by my standards, at least) playing--mostly Nick Cave and Johnny Cash songs, for some reason. It would be nice if I could take my acoustic home with me during the Christmas break.

Apart from picking up the guitar and hanging out with the roomies for a bit, it has been quiet since I got home. I paged through some more of King Ink, which I bought months ago; but left on my shelf while I had other books on the go. I have the Dirty Three playing now: Whatever You Love, You Are. That's a beautiful CD for a late night of reading and thinking and playing around on the computer.


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