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2001-12-06 - 2:39

With the same sultry eyes

I'm in a great mood tonight. I had fun today breaking in the message board that Nick wrote . . . particularly the flame board. That forum should be good for some laughs.

After work, I made it to the mall with the hopes of buying a plane ticket for the Christmas break; but I didn't quite make it before their (previously unknown to me) 6:00 closing time. I'll have to make an effort to get out there or arrange my plans over the phone, since I don't usually leave work early enough for that. I did snag a Christmas gift while I was there, though. It was semi-predictable, perhaps, but it's rather nice (and small enough that it won't hinder my packing).

At home, I watched the Habs get beat, before making a typically-overdue grocery run. I only got my guitar out for five or ten minutes, which is a step down from a couple of solid nights.

What really has me happy, though, is hearing from my mix tape girl, who seemed pleased with the mix CD that I sent her to return the favour. A couple of songs seemed to have really clicked, which is what I was hoping for. If you ask me, exchanging mixes and lengthy emails (music-related and otherwise) with a very cool person who had been a stranger just a few months ago, before you intersected with each other by fluke, is very kick-ass.

And so I am happy.


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