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2001-12-23 - 2:51

Closed for the year

Okay, I'm firing off one last entry before I go. (If you missed it, I wrote something earlier tonight. Not that it was particularly noteworthy; but it's there.)

Air Canada called me at 11:00 tonight and told me that my connecting flight from Montreal was cancelled. So, instead, they put me on a direct flight that leaves an hour later. If that option had been presented to me in the first place, I'd have taken it, so I'm happy. Although it's still a very early flight, I now consider it worth trying to get some sleep.

So that's what I'm up to in about two minutes. All of my packing is done, meaning that I grabbed enough clothes for a week and a half, got my camera, and spent the rest of my time picking out CDs (most of which won't even hit a CD player, judging by previous trips).

Home, here I come.

Once again, best holiday wishes to anyone reading. I'll be back on the 1st, ideally with some stories worth relating and some pictures worth showing.


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