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2002-01-10 - 3:28


Everything is essentially in a holding pattern lately. Work is going quite well, I'd say. It was a bit difficult figuring out the last changes that I was making; but I think that it has all come together.

I've been working late: either putting in longer days or simply starting late and shifting my schedule. Either way, I haven't had time to get up to very much when I get home. Work, eat, play computer games, sleep . . . no major excitement.

I still haven't made up my mind if I'm heading to Montreal at the end of the month to see Slayer again. It would be nice to be a part of a good mosh. Right now, I have only the Rollins Band concerts in Chicago on the horizon; but I'd like to find some other shows to fill the gap.

I just reread the entry that I wrote a year ago, looking back on 2000. I'd have to say that my mood is quite similar looking back on 2001. I didn't know then that I was about a week away from being laid off; but that turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to me.

Not only did I get the severance package that I wouldn't have seen if I had followed through with my plans to quit, I also enjoyed two months off before ending up with exactly the job that I wanted. Almost one year into this job, I can say that it has been a blast so far; and I certainly hope that it lasts longer than my first.

The time off gave me a chance to see California; and I actually flew to San Francisco three times in two months. I was starting to become very tempted to move, although since the high tech market imploded and the crew of people who I knew there started leaving, my interest has waned. Besides California, I also made it to Houston, to see Aaron, and Philadelphia, to see the last game of the NBA Finals, all within the first half of the year.

Since our office was completed in July and work kicked in to high gear, I haven't had much time to get away, although I did get to fly home a couple of times; and I hit Toronto for two concert-related stints.

As always, concerts are a measure of the year, and 2001 saw another outstanding set. Ozzfest as a whole was mediocre; but seeing Sabbath again (and being outdoors, instead of stuck in a stadium, for once) was a highlight, as was the Nick Cave solo show in San Fran.

Reading the paper in my hotel room in Philly and realizing that Fishbone was playing on my night off in the city was the best surprise of the year. I've been wanting to see them in a club show since I was a kid; but I didn't know it would ever happen. It turned out to be the draining, full-out assault that I was expecting.

Slayer also lived up to expectations, Tool was an absorbing show, and Bj�rk was a unique experience. I was also just as happy at the smaller shows, especially at seeing The Dears four times and Buck 65 thrice.

Somewhat predictably, the only real downside to a busy year was an absence of female companionship. Although Jian and I were still getting along at the start of the year (she came with me to see a Rollins spoken word show, at least), somewhere along the way, she went flaky; and she ended up leaving the province without really saying goodbye. (I'm trying to be as fair as possible, since she was a nice enough girl, but I don't see how to avoid the term "flaky" unless it's through the substitution of something stronger.) It's not as if anything was ever going to be too strong between us, anyway. (She laughed at a Dirty Three song I sent her . . . what more need I say?) Nonetheless, she was the last girl to come along and solitude is tiring, at times.

Overall, though, it was an interesting and enjoyable year. I'm usually content with life and life usually works out well for me, so it's no surprise that I ended another year with the same positive outlook. I'm sure that 2002 will also prove interesting.


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