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2002-01-13 - 4:11


One of these days, I should get myself back on a reasonable schedule. I think that since I got back from my Christmas break, I've been to bed before 3:00 AM maybe three or four times. Considering that I'm starting this entry at almost 4:00, though, any schedule shift may not be coming soon.

Sleep dep did catch me today, as I didn't get out of bed until around two in the afternoon. I tell ya, it's a hard ol' life.

Predictably, it was a low-energy day. After catching the end of the Habs-Leafs game (which was a tie, meaning that I neither call home to bug my mother nor avoid phone calls for the next day), I got out the acoustic. That always puts me in a good mood, or at least a relaxed one.

I think that I'm in my winter hibernation mode again. If so, I really should catch that Slayer concert in two weeks, just to shake off lethargy.

Also on the concert front, Kirk has the idea that some of us should plan a summer trip around one of the European music festivals. I've had that idea before, with the drawback being that I wasn't sure who I could cajole into joining me. Maybe it'll turn out to be easier than I had expected. Yes, it's a long way off; but it's still a good thought.


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