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2002-03-07 - 2:30

JR is a hologram

All is going well lately. I had two things to get done at work this week and I wrapped one of them up yesterday (with a little help). There has been some pressure, since the recipients of the two pieces of work each wanted it done right away. I guess that you can't please everyone. I do the best I can.

I had committed to getting the first task done by the end of yesterday; and I did, after a detour. The detour was supper with Greg and Kelly, Greg's sister and her boyfriend, and Don. I think that Greg knew that I was a bit on edge about work; and he offered to stop in the office with me after supper to help me finish. That was cool of him, especially since his sister was almost done visiting.

After deciding on that plan, I really enjoyed the meal. The conversation was certainly amusing. Finishing the work wasn't bad, either. It was actually the kind of job that is fun to do: a few little snags that we resolved quickly--no major headaches.

I have been trying to catch up on some things at home lately. I managed to write some overdue emails last night. Tonight's main accomplishment was getting my taxes done. I was wondering how they would work out, since I changed jobs last year. Neither company would have known my total income, so I was worried that they might not have taken out enough taxes. On the other hand, changing jobs meant that I had made CPP and EI contributions twice, resulting in an overpayment.

And, the end result is that I have a decently large refund coming to me, so I have no complaints. Plus, I now know that my chequing account paid me $3.51 in interest last year. I wonder why they even bother paying interest on those. I also found it funny going through the forms and noting that last year, with the severance package, my old employer paid me almost as much money to stop working for them as they paid me to actually do work for them. Sounds like a good deal to me, especially since I am much happier with the new job.

Hmm . . . work, taxes . . . if I didn't know better, I'd think I was an adult or something. Nah, that can't be. Next time, I'll try to write about concerts or the Powerpuff Girls or something.

Oh, speaking of concerts, I need to decide my plans for Saturday soon. Pinback is playing Montreal; but I still have to confirm that I can buy a ticket at the door and find out what time the club opens.

[Insert quick break here.]

Okay, I stopped writing to take a look at the club's listings. I didn't see a time for Pinback specifically; but it looks like 9:00 is a standard opening time for the club. Now I have to consider my feelings about being stuck in Montreal overnight, if I can't catch the midnight bus home. I'll have to think about that one. I'm not so psyched on that concept; but we'll see.


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