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2002-03-08 - 0:54


Blerg. Twelve hour days at work make me sleepy. I thought that this was supposed to be my week to slack off, since the boss was away. Between Tuesday and tonight, that theory has been disproved.

What? Yeah, I suppose you're right--if I had been more productive yesterday, I wouldn't have had so much to do tonight. But that's why I'm not complaining, per se; I'm just . . . commenting. Right?

I should say, though, that it was fun work tonight. It was a simple bit of coding; no hardcore thinking was required. Playing with that kind of code is rather enjoyable. It reminded me of some of the projects that I did at that other nameless company, back in the day.

As I said, though . . . tired. Tired and looking forward to an easier day tomorrow. But looking forward to sleep even more.



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