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2002-05-01 - 3:46

The last words that the barkeep said

Edit: I wrote this entry two nights ago, but it seems to have been entered into an odd spot in the database. It wasn't showing up as the latest entry today, so I'm reposting it.

I have no real entry tonight, since I put all of my writing efforts into two concert reviews: one for the Fishbone show last week and one for the Cave concert and a half.

As always, my reviews are on my home page. You can jump to the concerts page here and scroll down. (Hmm . . . that list is getting long.)

I also added the reviews to the Tomes. (The reviews are identical; so you're choosing between a pretty site with a tiny font or my big green machine. Remind me to clean my site up someday, okay?) Anyway, the Tomes link for the Fishbone review is here and for Cave is here.

The Fishbone review is mainly taken from my post-show journal entry. The Cave review is excessively long-winded, even by my standards, so enter at your own risk. I think that I did a decent job with Cave, although my ability to judge my own writing diminishes after 3:00.

Speaking of which . . . goodnight. I should be back to my usual mundane entries again tomorrow, since my concert/hockey excitement is over for now. See you then.


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