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2002-05-17 - 2:16

Two hands and half a head

I think that I'm going house shopping on Saturday. I met with a realtor tonight and the plan is to actually look at some houses this weekend. We'll see how that goes.

It was my brother's birthday today, so I was talking to him, which has me wanting to make another trip home. I'm sure that I'll fly back sometime this summer, although it's hard to say when. People will be coming here for the Canada Day long weekend and the August long weekend will be my New York trip. It might be the end of August before I get to Halifax again. Plans will be iffy until the house hunt resolves itself.

Speaking of travel plans, though, I may extend my June trip to Montreal. I already have my ticket for Beth Orton on the 8th; and it turns out that Clouddead is playing La Sala Rossa on the 9th. I missed Sole on tour (he was in Montreal tonight), so it would be cool to catch some of the Anticon crew for the first time. That'll probably happen.

I'm not yet sure if my tentative company is in for the Beth Orton trip or not; but she still has a few weeks to decide. Either way, with two shows in the works, that should be a fun weekend.

Oh yeah, I finally got around to posting some Gatineau Park pictures, taken two weekends ago.

Slack, yes . . . but things get taken care of eventually.

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