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2002-05-20 - 2:43


So, I did go house shopping yesterday. I looked at five houses: one was hideous and the best of the others ranked only as high as near misses (or near hits, if you agree with Carlin's reasoning, which I do). I now have stronger opinions about what I'm seeking. Hopefully, I can find something promptly and go ahead. Looking at a few houses has only strengthened my urge to buy.

I went out for supper with Greg and Kelly Friday and Saturday, which is always a good thing. I think that I have Kelly commissioned to be my interior decorator, if I should find a house. The three of us caught Star Wars last night, which was quite decent. Again, it was not without some distracting flaws; but on the whole, it was fun.

I am, however, genuinely unable to comprehend the fact that a grown human being cannot sit silently through a movie. Could I not have expected to get through the movie without having it revealed to me that the four people behind me were collectively as intelligent as a box of rocks? Humanity is a constant let-down: rude and stupid.

Today I did rather little, which was fine by me. I spent most of the day playing Dark Age, which I just started playing again after a month-and-a-half break. I stopped playing when I was directing my online efforts elsewhere; and I stayed out of the habit even after those efforts came to nothing. I'm having fun with the game since I started again; and I don't mind squandering a lazy Sunday on it.

I'm not sure what the plan is for tomorrow's holiday. In theory, since all the roommates are back in town, we should get up to something; although the weather doesn't seem conducive to very much. (Isn't May supposed to be hot in this town?) We'll see.


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