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2002-05-30 - 2:47

You've played smiley/frowny before

My future house received a clean bill of health this morning, so I waived the conditions from my formerly conditional offer to buy. 'Tis mine, I tell you, mine! I even walked away with an assessment featuring a list of checkmarks next to smiley houses instead of frowny houses. How could I ignore such a professional presentation of the facts?

By the sounds of it, the biggest job that I'll have when I move in is getting rid of the ugly floral wallpaper from my bedroom. That must die.

Liam was the first person banned from my house, for responding to my news with the one-line email, "You'll be married with kids in no time." Of course, he lives a few provinces away, so the ban is somewhat symbolic; but it still had to be done.

I hope that I won't have to defend myself against accusations of actually being an adult now. What with a house and a career, I'm starting to appear downright grown-up. In my defence, though, almost every shirt I own was picked up at a concert or through a goofy web site; my greatest concern in life is what band is passing through town; and, I'm pretty sure that the fact that I don't even have a driver's license makes me about fifteen, at best.

Married with kids, in no time? I wouldn't put money on me even going out on a date between now and the end of the year. Although I can now take applications for some girl to take advantage of me for my house. Before it was just a search for one to take advantage of me for my CD collection. Heh. Although, come to think of it, it probably wouldn't work out unless the girl was more concerned with a CD collection, anyway. Something to ponder . . .

Ooh, it looks like we're starting to get a nice rainstorm, which should help after a hot day. Yes, summer is back again, which is always a bonus; but it's even better when it cools off at night, before I go to sleep. Speaking of which, since it's past 2:30, I should pack it in.


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