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2002-08-31 - 3:26

Labour intensive

I had been hoping to find out that the Fishbone show in Halifax was part of a more adventurous musical gathering, so that they'd be one of the bigger bands and thus be given time to play. As it turns out, it's an Edgefest dealie, so it's rather mainstream, meaning that their set time is probably limited. So, I've scrapped that plan. Cat Power's still a go, though.

I think that I've got a good get-together in the works for this Labour Day weekend. I've invited about a dozen people over for a barbecue on Sunday, almost all of whom said that they'd definitely be showing up. I guess that this would be my first house-filling exercise, which should be a blast. Well . . . not in the propane sense. You know what I mean.

Leading in to that, tomorrow should be a slack day, which is good, considering that I'm still awake at 3:30. All that's in the works are straightening up around here, possibly making a trip to Record Runner with Flett, and hopefully getting together with Greg's friends, who made the trip from Fredericton again.


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