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2002-10-02 - 2:57

Rhyme sayers

With apologies to Sage Francis, I am fast becoming convinced that Slug is the best songwriter in hop hop today. His collaboration with Murs was part of my last mail order arrival; and, while it is not quite at the same level as the stellar God Loves Ugly, it is another showcase for his character crafting and personal, revealing approach to lyrics.

I'm really looking forward to seeing Atmosphere (Slug's main vehicle) come to Ottawa in November.

Oh, and I just noticed that the Themselves (Dose and Jel) tour, whose Montreal appearance I missed this very night, touches down in Phoenix the first night that I am there. I'm not sure if it'll be possible to swing that; but it's an interesting thought.

I'm more or less ready to fly out of here on Friday night. I think work should be semi-reasonable for the rest of the week. I don't expect there to be a need to break into another match of intra-office Bubble Wrap Boxing in the next three days. (If it does happen, though, I should be ready, since my trainer has been giving me tips. Sorry, I almost forgot . . . my clever trainer.)

I had given some thought to breaking out of my 3:00 AM bedtime; but I'm almost on vacation, so why ruin a good streak?


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