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2002-12-02 - 3:04

Blowed up

Hmm . . . my slow updating continues. Little has been on the go, though.

The morning after my last entry, I tried to get ready for work, then decided that I was sick after all. Going back to bed for another five hours helped some and my subsequent lack of pep worked out fine for sitting next to the fireplace reading a book.

The rest of the week, I remained quite unenergetic, although work picked up a bit near the end. I also had Greg and Kelly over for a barbecue, which is always a good thing.

Oh, speaking of Greg and work, I must say that I'm rather disappointed in this year's post-Hallowe'en candy disposal. Last year, Greg and I both had similar leftovers: Swedish Berries, Fuzzy Peaches, Skittles, and various sour candies. Our solution was to combine the lot in a paper cup, repeatedly refilling.

Obviously, that works out well in the short term, as each handful is quite tasty. However, the real beauty of the system is that after several refills, the bottom of the cup gathers a quarter-inch dusting of sugar and sour powder: a combination of such intensity that ingesting a fingerful is enough to cause a simultaneous sugar-overload and a searing, sour-induced pain on both sides of your jaw.

We didn't do that this year. I miss that.

This weekend was about as slack as the preceding week. Winter's approach is only making me more inclined to stay inside and avoid the world. I did get together with Aaron and Loralei tonight, though, finally catching the highly recommended Bowling for Columbine.

I always did enjoy TV Nation and, generally, I like where Michael Moore is coming from. Columbine was everything that I would have hoped, definitely leaving a lot to think about, as well as providing a ton of laughs. Just seeing the frozen look on Moore's face when James Nichols started getting creepily worked up was worth the price of admission.


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