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2002-12-16 - 2:23

A free man with no place free to go

Everything seems to be rolling along quite well lately. I had been somewhat depressed for a month or two or four or so--well, off and on, at least. After a conversation last Monday, though, I seem to have snapped my head back into shape.

If it was that easy for me to return to form, perhaps the term depressed is an overstatement . . . I dunno. At any rate, I'm much more content now, more keen on dealing with the world.

Work has picked up in a good way. Thursday was the most enjoyable day that I've had in a while there, since I got to work on something very fun. I really enjoy doing the simple programming jobs, where I can hammer down for a day or two and come out with something solid. If nothing else, it's a reminder that I can still code. (Still got it, Donkey Kong.)

Saturday, I made it over to Greg and Kelly's for supper with the usual crew (three couples and me). I came away with my first batch of Christmas cookies (and fudge), so I have no room for complaint.

Today, I finagled Flett into not only driving me to the stereo store so I could finally pick up a TV/stereo stand, but also helping me put it together. Admittedly, I didn't get everything done in this house that I wanted to this year; but at least I have my living room straightened out now.

And in other good news, it looks like Canada is well on the way to decriminalizing marijuana possession. While that would not be the victory for personal freedom and consistent lawmaking that legalization would be, at least it represents a step in a positive direction.

Maybe someday I'll actually live in a country whose government doesn't punish adults for consensual crimes.


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