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2003-03-16 - 2:42


Things have remained busy, but good, which explains the continued scarcity of updates.

Work went quite well last week. I ended up staying a little late to polish something off on Friday; but I'm quite content with how that came together.

It's a good thing that I got a hold of the boss on Friday morning, though. (He's out of the country for about a week.) I think that I might have been rather stuck if not for a five minute chat with him; but as it is, all worked out in the end. And, I am indeed taking Monday and Tuesday off, which makes me happy.

Housewise, I finished off all that I needed to, as well. I just put the finishing touches on the bedroom today, putting the ceiling fan back up (after painting it blue, to match the walls) and hanging blinds and a giant painting. The place is super-stylin' now. I should put some before and after shots on my web site.

Oh, speaking of which, in the spirit of my finishing-things-off mode, I am finally up-to-date with my web site: I added the Winterlude pictures that I took a month ago. Some pictures are cool, although others don't really do the ice sculptures justice. At least I added the only picture of me to grace my site so far this year.

Apart from getting all of that done, I also had fun playing around on the guitars with Colin, after he had helped me with some of those other jobs. (As an aside, my prediction is that he goes back to pick up that 12-string within a month.)

I'm in a great mood, looking forward to the next few days. It's always awesome to get together with Liam, the weather has me anticipating spring, and the Rollins show should be a blast.

The only downer right now is that I feel very badly for Kelly, who fractured a bone near her ACL while skiing today. Hopefully, she'll have a smooth recovery.

Apart from that, all is perfect.


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