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2003-03-19 - 1:24

Ignorance, complacency, and mediocrity

And a good time was had by all. Liam got in on Sunday, just in time for the first warm weather of the year. It was definitely a fun few days having him around again. He came here with a mission of getting a crash course into some of the underground hip hop scene; and he's leaving with some Buck, Atmosphere, Eyedea, Sage Francis, Blackalicious, Sixtoo, and the like. My work is done.

It was fun hanging out, showing him a few things on guitar, getting outside to enjoy the warm streak, and having the obligatory debates on life philosophy. Oh, and showing off the house is always enjoyable.

The Rollins show tonight was killer. Compared to the Toronto show in February, tonight's engagement delivered more of the inspirational concepts for which I had been hoping. There was definitely enough fodder for Liam and I to use as a springboard for one last philosophical debate. As always, the entertainment value was top-notch; and there was amazingly little overlap between tonight's performance and the Toronto set.

It was cool having such a large contingent. I think that everyone enjoyed themselves, although my excitement did drop a notch over the fact that Greg wasn't as blown away as I had been hoping. It can be a challenge to introduce a person to something that you're very passionate about, because you want them to see the value in it that you do. Ah well.

At any rate, I think that right now I'm hitting the old post-show let-down (as well as the effects of sleep dep), so I'll pack it in and allow the thoughts to keep bouncing around inside my head.


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