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2003-03-25 - 2:21

Lost in the plot

Lazy, lazy days. However, today was worthwhile, since I got to see Murray Lightburn on TV earnestly proclaiming, "It's like Will Smith said: parents just don't understand." That fulfilled my weekly quota of the surreal.

I can't wait for that concert. It's been too long since I've seen The Dears. I'm still bitter about the fact that I couldn't leave this city for two weeks last year without missing The Dears and Fishbone. Rob job, I tells ya.

I think I'm on schedule for the trip to Toronto this Friday. After taking off two days from work last week, I wasn't going to take this one if things were too busy; but nothing seems to be flaring up yet. In theory, it's Godspeed on Friday night.

Oh yes, I don't think that I mentioned that the Lollapalooza plan has changed. There is now no Toronto date in the finalized line-up (liars!); buuuut the tour ends with a Saturday concert in Vernon, New York, which Mapquest tells me is a mere hop, skip, and a jump away.

Greg asked me the other day if I update this journal apart from writing about concerts. At the time, I said yes; but I fear that I may have been exaggerating. But after a weekend that had all the excitement of watching snow melt, there's only so much to write.

Don't mind me. I'll just be here killing time until the concert starts. As per usual.


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