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2005-02-25 - 0:22


A caller to CFRA yesterday claimed, "gay marriage is literally being shoved down my throat." I remain skeptical. If so, though, that would be the first legitimate complaint that I have heard against the proposed legislation.

We're now hearing some rumblings that at the next Liberal party meeting, they'll be discussing legalizing marijuana. I certainly hope so. Decriminalization is an okay start; but it's really a half-assed measure. Why not legalize it and add billions in tax revenue?

Of course, the government would probably flush it away on crap like the federal day care program; but at least it's something. (Actually, this year's budget seems half-decent, aside from the fact that it is suspiciosly weighted towards the long-term future, at which time the Liberals might not even be in power. I'd rather see more immediate tax cuts or additional payment on the debt; but what can you do?)

Still on the political front, I forgot to mention that Chretien's golf ball stunt at the Gomery inquiry a couple weeks ago was classic. The Prime Minister's office has really lacked that gangster flair since JC stepped down (can you picture Martin slapping a choke-hold on anyone?), so it was good to see him in action again.


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