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2000-05-08 - 18:26:54

Wetter is better

I think that summer arrived this weekend. Saturday and Sunday were nice and hot. While I was sitting on the front steps reading, I noticed some more neighbourhood kids in a watergun fight. Naturally, I had to get involved.

Okay, so no three kids put together would have added up to my age; but what the hell? When one of them asked how old I was, I asked him if he thought I was too old to be playing with waterguns. He told me that he thought you could be any age and enjoy a watergun. A sound philosophy.

In retrospect, I have to say that the 20x setting on the Super Soaker CPS 2500 is almost too much for blasting little girls from five feet away ;) I mentioned that to Maneesh in an e-mail and he said, "So there were even little girls this time? Nice one!" Heheh.

Nah . . . actually, a good time was had by all. Now I just have to convince Nick and Colin (when he gets back) to buy their own guns, so we can all get into it.

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