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2000-05-13 - 23:09:07

Stickin' together is what good waffles do

Another quiet night now, since Aaron and Nick took off to see a movie. I suppose that I could have gone; but I value the solitude more. I think that I've been keeping to myself a lot lately, but oh well. When Casper and Karen come over, I'm a lot happier staying in the living room listening to Einst�rzende Neubaten or sitting in my room reading Solipsist than I would be hanging out with the crew, anyway (which describes last night).

I don't mean for it to sound like a big drama or anything, though. Things are cool. I'm a few steps apart sometime; but that fact isn't breaking my heart nor anyone else's. It's just the way it is. I think that it'll be good when Colin gets back, though.

Today I slept in, making up for a week of insomnia and (relatively) early mornings. I hit downtown for some CD, DVD, and book shopping. The girl at HMV was cool: not only did she like my Cool Hand Luke purchase ("That guy doesn't look like he'd be bothered by anything"), she also managed to apply a Simpsons reference ("Sticking together is what good cards do"). All she needed to do was tell me that she knew how to play Auction Forty-fives and I would've proposed (heheh).

On the book front, I picked up the Robin Hobb trilogy that John recommended Thursday and two Franz Kafka books: the complete collection of short stories and The Trial. I've never read anything by him before, but I have high hopes.

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