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2000-07-12 - 09:08

A lot more soccer, a little more money

So I got my raise . . . but it wasn't very much. Grumble. With the way that things are going, it might be time to start seeing what else is out there. Why work here, where they obviously want to pay me as little as they can get away with, when I know that there are other jobs out there that are just as cool, but pay a lot more?

I was disappointed by that; but I did leave work feeling good, because we got in another soccer game. After playing for about an hour last Thursday, we had an hour-and-a-half game yesterday. I never really played any soccer at all before playing with the guys here; but I put in the effort and matched my one goal output of the first game.

Actually, I prefer playing defence. At the end of the game, Greg and I stayed back and shut the door; and I also took an enjoyable turn in nets. Great fun, especially when a few extra people joined in. We played on a short field; but it was still better when it got up to five-on-five or six-on-six.

So, is it worth less money to get to play soccer twice a week? I dunno; but it's definitely a lot of fun, and I need the exercise.

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