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2000-07-13 - 09:23

The self-appointed tyrant

I'm becoming increasingly convinced that it might be time to try something else at work; but I'll give it a little while yet. If things don't go well, I'll look for a good dividing line at which I can walk away, after this project.

At least Jamal is still good for a laugh. I sent out the e-mail to everyone to organize today's soccer game and the doctor wrote back:

The self-appointed tyrant has spoken.
Just make sure i am not on the same team as him so i can kick his ass.

Heheh. He also seemed to get a kick out of my impression of him (and a few others at work), which I gave while Greg was driving us home.

I'm getting psyched to see The Roots tomorrow night, as part of the Fresh Festival. That's going to be a great show. Speaking of concerts, I finally added a Concert Reviews section to Jambalaya (the home page that I recently created).

I had to rewrite most of the reviews, so I was trying to get them all written before I added the section. As it is, though, I finished 11 out of 15, which I figured was good enough. It's not as if anyone would read through 15 concert reviews in a row, anyway; that section is there mostly for my own benefit. I just have to make sure that I paint a worthy picture of the first Black Sabbath concert, since that was honestly the greatest experience of my life to date.

I decided last night that I'm fine with the idea of people I know reading this journal. When I first started it, I didn't know what I wanted it to be. Now that I've relatively settled on what it is, I see no reason why I would mind anyone reading it. I'm not such an egomaniac that I imagine anyone will be too stressed out about anything I write, anyway.

Also, I've become more of a journal reader these days. I used to read only In Further News; but now I've added four others to my reading list, including one friend's journal. I'm down with the idea of reading and of having my words read. I write for myself, not for an audience; but it's great if anyone else wants to check it out, too.


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