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2000-07-21 - 0:21

They can't beat the unholy goalie

Good soccer game today, although I end up a little more banged up every time we play. When I was playing nets, I made a nice save with my face. D'oh. The game was a lot of fun, though. Playing forward is okay, although I'm a lousy finisher (I got my standard one goal today). I prefer being back on defence and I really love playing goalie. I'm glad that we've been maintaining our twice-a-week schedule; it's the first regular exercise that I've gotten in years.

I got a phone call tonight from my parents. It turns out that they've been driving around on their vacation and they'll be in Ottawa tomorrow. That's cool, especially since I've given up on my original plan of taking a week off to visit home.

So that's that. Short entry; but not too much is up. Peace.


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