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2000-07-22 - 16:01

You got no style, Dutch

So, my parents made it to Ottawa last night. It was cool to see them again. I got to show off my new speakers (my father was suitably impressed). We went out for supper last night; and they came by for a little bit today. Ottawa was not their prime vacation destination, though. They just stopped in on their way through. At least I got in a game of Mario Kart with the old man.

I finally got around to spiffying up the Diaryland template that I use. I've linked to a few other diaries that I read: In Further News (which I've been reading for a long time) and two others on Diaryland. I actually read a couple of other journals on a regular basis; but that list will do for now. I've now returned the link to Cnnlly, which I had planned on doing for a little while now.

I also linked to my home page (Jambalaya) and the Tomes of Knowledge, which is a page that was created so some friends could post news: music reviews, computer news, web stuff, general junk. (Unsurprisingly, the bulk of my contribution falls under the Music tag.) Unfortunately, almost all of the former contributors have ceased posting; although I'm still trying to keep it going. Hopefully, I'll add some content to Jambalaya soon, too.


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