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2000-07-26 - 0:20

Now play "Classical Gas"

So, it's been a few days without an entry. That's cool, though . . . I don't need to go at this every day.

Life here has been relatively low-key, but good, lately. Summer has definitely returned, for a few days at least. When I stepped outside to catch the bus Monday (Greg wasn't around to give me a ride), it was warm enough out that I said the hell with it and walked to work.

The last couple of nights, I ended up sitting in the backyard with Colin, while he played around on the guitar. Quite cool. Unfortunately, I couldn't convince Colin that when one of the neighbours started up with an electric guitar, he should knock on the door with his acoustic and launch into "Dueling Banjos." Another quality plan unexecuted.

(I still think that we could have fun at a red light--Colin driving and me walking by--by acting out a version of The Price Is Right's "Gentlemen, do I have at least one number right?" bit. That'll always be the dream.)

After three weeks of an uninterrupted soccer schedule at work, today's game was cancelled due to lack of interest. Hopefully, we'll pull more people in for Thursday. With two going-away lunches scheduled for this week alone, it's definitely going to get more difficult to field a team.

I hope to get a hold of my brother John tonight to confirm that he'll be around in September when I want to take my vacation. Pete and I discussed the upcoming deadlines at work; and it sounds like early September will be my best plan for time off. I'd like to book a flight soon and finalize my plans.

Actually, I think I'll go give him a call now. Peace.


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