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2000-07-27 - 9:32

What up, Mike D?

Picking up where I left off last time, I did get a hold of my brother; and everything sounds fine for heading to see him in September. That'll be a lot of fun.

Yesterday was the going-away lunch for Abder, which was an Indian buffet (mmmmm). It was a good send-off. I'm starting to get rolling on the COPS project that Abder's departure has placed in my hands. Now that Pete has been made prime on the project, I'm feeling better about it. I didn't really want to be solely responsible for everything. I'm not sure if I'm at that stage yet.

Lat night was cool. I went out to Dairy Queen with Colin and Jaclyn, where I discovered the S'Mores Galore Parfait, which comes highly recommended. After that, I played around with the home page a little bit (no updates yet, though) before Aaron brought some company over. We stayed up until about 1:30, chillin', which was fun.

The bad news yesterday was the postponement of the Beastie Boys/Rage Against the Machine tour, due to Mike D's bicycling injury. That's a real let-down, especially since the other three poeple who were going to see the show with me are leaving town at the end of August. Even if the concert is rescheduled, I won't be catching it with that crew. (Although, if Aaron's around at the time, I'm sure he'll go.)

One big disappointment; but life is good, otherwise.

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