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2000-07-28 - 18:19

Adios, muchachos

Today was an interesting day at work. We held Steve's going-away lunch today. (Yes, my last entry was about another going-away lunch . . . work is volatile, lately.) It's kind of a drag to see Stevie leave, because he was a great manager. Everyone in the group really liked the way that he ran things. On the other hand, though, I can understand why he made his decision; and it sounds like his next job will be cool.

I got the run-down on what I'll be doing for the next month. It definitely sounds like I'll be busy; but that's good. I'm really warming up to the work.

This weekend should be the calm before that storm, though, since I just plan on kicking back. I had fun last night getting Colin to give me my first guitar lesson. Heheh. Aaron is away visting home for the next week, so that's another reason why things will likely be quieter around here. Maybe I'll take advantage of his computer availability to do some more work on Jambalaya . . . we'll see.


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