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2000-07-30 - 23:55

Running over someone's lawn with guns drawn

This year marks my second summer in Ottawa; and it has been a far cry from the first. When I moved in during the first week of May last year, it was close to 30 degrees and I don't think that it cooled down at all before I left at the end of August. By contrast, this weekend marks the ninth in a row that we've seen rain.

Despite that streak, today was a hot, sunny day, perfect for the watergun fight that ensued :) Yes, after a long layoff, the waterguns finally saw some more use. One of the kids from the past encounters saw me and let me know that they were going to be getting into it a little later in the day.

Okay, I probably look a little silly chasing a bunch of 10-year-olds around with the Tsunami Storm Force 5 (heheh); but I had a blast. Unfortunately, four of them ganged up on me, including one guy whom I leant Aaron's gun. (I had to put it to good use, since he was away.) Personally, I think it's a little unfair to simply use a garden hose, instead of grabbing a gun; but I struggled against the odds. My best move was sneaking behind the house and turning off the hose before I rounded the corner. Heheh.

So that was lots of fun. It'd be cool if I could get the other roommates in on the action. The original plan was for everyone to get a gun; but the summer weather hasn't helped push that idea. Maybe August will salvage the year.

The rest of the day was pretty relaxing. We had the standard weekend barbecue, which Nick followed by whoopin' me at cards. (Curses, foiled again.)

After that, I spent a little more time playing around on the guitar. Colin taught me a few chords and showed me the sequence for "Ship Song" (Nick Cave). Blixa doesn't need to worry about losing his job just yet; but I'm having fun goofing off on the guitar. If I'm still at it when Colin moves out, maybe I'll buy my own guitar.

The push starts at work tomorrow; but this weekend was nice and easy-going. No complaints.


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