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2000-08-10 - 0:09

Intellectually odd

Today was cool. Lots of things came together at work. The next two days will probably still be busy; but I have a good handle on things now.

At home, I played a little more Perfect Dark, listened to some Leonard Cohen, and spent some time playing around on the computer. I even talked to Kim for a while, which was cool. Not too shabby of a night.

Greg made my day when he told me that he showed his girlfriend my other page, Jambalaya, and she was able to draw a character profile from it. He detailed it better than I'll be able to retell; but the gist of it was that she interpreted me as intellectually odd, having an unusual sense of humour that keys in on little things. Sounds about right to me (heheh).

Of course, Greg is fairly similar in his sense of humour and overall take on life; so that may have influenced her impression. However the conclusion came, I found it funny.

Tomorrow should be has to be a productive day at work. I'm confident that everything will come together and I'll be primed for soccer in the afternoon. I really enjoy the job when I'm at the stage where I know what I'm doing; and I just need to sit down and go at it.

Bring in the discman, throw on some Moby and Busta Rhymes, and hammer down. That sentence describes today; and, if you replace those CDs with a few others, it'll describe tomorrow, too. Fun stuff.

So, work is at the right level of business and, as usual, life is good.


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