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2000-08-11 - 09:40


So, yesterday was another long, but cool, day. Work went well; although it's a bit annoying that I'm stuck debugging somebody else's code, especially since it was supposed to be good to go. Grumble. Anyway, I think that things are on track for today (deadline time).

Our usual 6:00 soccer match had its best turnout yet--we were playing five or six on a side. Stevie came back for a game and the doctor even surprised us with an appearance. Even stranger, we played on the same team. It was a very fun game. We played for the best part of two hours; and I ended up on the winning end again.

At home, I spent the rest of the night chilling with the roommates and playing around on the guitar. ("Ship Song" and "Lucy" are coming along fairly well. I'll just have to keep practicing.) For the third night in a row, I ended up staying up until 1:00, this time talking with Aaron and Nick, which was cool.

Maneesh is supposed to be back in town tonight, just passing through. It'll be cool to see him again. He's a funny guy. Immediately after we each applied the bleach to our hair in April, he showed me pictures of what he looked like blond. (While I thought, now he shows me. Heheh.) The pictures were pretty freaky, especially since he puffed it up for the silliest look he could manage. (He was clowning around for a party.)

Anyway, the reason that I was thinking about that is that when I got home after two hours of sweating through soccer, I realized that I had the same look going, without the comic intentions. As Maneesh would say, "ni-i-ice."

I'll definitely hammer down on some work today to meet the deadline. (Ideally, I won't get screwed up and have to come in on the weekend.) After that, the weekend should be cool. I think that several of us from work are getting together tomorrow night (which is unprecedented) and I might go to Summersault on Sunday with Richard. I don't care for most of the bands on the bill; but I would like to see A Perfect Circle.

I'm sure it'll be cool, however it shakes down.


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