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2000-08-17 - 0:41

Six strings that drew blood

Had I put together an entry for yesterday, all that I would've reported was a soccer game that made me realize how much my shins were banged around at Summersault. (It was still a fun game; but I didn't do as much running around.)

Today, though, I actually have news. The small news at work was that I had to call off my vendetta. After identifying the loudmouth from Monday and hearing of some past exploits, the battle was on. However, he passed me in the hall this afternoon and apologized; so I guess that puts the kibosh on revenge . . . alas ;)

Today was a good, productive day at work. I think that things are coming together well. It'll be busy, for sure; but today was definitely good.

Anyway, the big news today was that I bought my guitar (woohoo)! Colin gave me a ride to the music store (since he had to replace the string I broke on his guitar anyway); and I walked out with my very own blue Yamaha acoustic. Very stylin' :)

I checked out a few at the store; and I was most impressed by this one. So, as long as my guitar playing wasn't a fad, I'm good to go. I'll get a picture up on the Jambalaya site soon, to show off my baby.

Suffice it to say that I'm quite excited with my purchase. It was fun playing "Sweet Worlds of Angels" tonight with Colin.

Life is good :)


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