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2000-11-08 - 0:27

Dedicated to bad writing

Well, work was supposed to have quieted down. I ended up staying late last night ('til about 7:30), working with Mandeep on tracking down a problem . . . not so fun; but oh well.

I wasn't feeling so well when I got home; and after going to bed before midnight (shocking!) and getting nine or ten hours sleep, I still didn't feel so hot, so I took the morning off. I didn't leave work until 7:00, though, so they only lost about an hour-and-a-half of my time because I was sick.

Blah. I definitely plan on taking Friday off. I'll call it Labour Day and I'll look to pencil in a belated Thanksgiving before the end of the year, too.

One of the advantages of going in late was that it was a nice, warm, sunny day by the time I got moseying; so I decided to walk. It was cool listening to B�a on the walk in . . . some CDs sound better to me in my headphones, as I'm walking along. That album always conveys a sense of quiet sadness that suits my walks.

B�a also reminds me of Nick; and today was no exception. It's strange to think that in two months, he'll be back here. It'll certainly be cool to have him back.

Living on four-month roommate cycles is strange. It feels like it's been a long time since Nick and Colin were here; but it's also really strange to think of Maneesh taking off soon.

Speaking of Maneesh, he told me that a bunch of his crew from the party the other night said that I was weird. Unfortunately, none of them could tell him why, in particular. It's not that I disagree (or agree) necessarily . . . I was just hoping for some clarification. I'll have to think about whether that's a reaction that I'm striving for (apart from the hair). At any rate, I found it amusing.

So, between the late nights at work and being mildly sick, I guess that there isn't too much to report here. My big excitement was finishing reading Pulp, which I picked up when I was downtown with Jian. That was a very cool read: easy to tear through, well-paced, entertaining, stylish, and full of small passages that made me think.

I'll definitely be digging deeper into Bukowski's prolific writing. I just read a few reviews of Pulp and two of them specifically said that it wouldn't be the best Bukowski novel to read first. That's okay, though. I loved Pulp and I'm open to reading the earlier work, even if it differs greatly in style.


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