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2001-01-24 - 2:27

Mixed results

Neither of the reasons that I went downtown today panned out too well. I don't know anyone in this town who meets the requirements for signing as a guarantor for my passport. The alternative is to fill out an extra form . . . which you can only get from the passport office . . . and which they didn't have in the bin of forms at the front of the office. So, it turned out to be a long wait just to have the guy give me that form and tell me that I'll have to come back again. It doesn't seem to be the most efficient way to run things. Grumble.

It wasn't so bad, since Don and I went there together, and we ended up running into Abder. That made it easier to pass the time.

After finishing up there, I went to get my health card; and I was told that if I could come up with proof that I was here more than three months ago, I can skip that waiting period. Makes sense. I'll have to dig up an old pay stub and go back.

O-for-2. I hoped to salvage something from the trip downtown, by seeing if Jian was in, but she wasn't. As a last resort, I popped into Chapters and found another Bukowski book. As long as the afternoon resulted in the acquisition of one cool book, it was semi-productive. (And, so far, I'm loving Notes of a Dirty Old Man, a collection of Bukowski columns. How am I only discovering this now?)

On the work front, things are looking very good. I heard from the company that I am most interested in; and we had a very good talk on the phone. I will probably be flying to California soon to meet with everyone; and if all goes well (knock on wood), seal the deal. Very cool.

Some wasted time today; but one book and one phone call more than compensated. Life is good.


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