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2001-01-25 - 0:37

California love

With very little effort on my part, it seems that the wheels are in motion on the job search. I have an interview tomorrow with a local company. I'm not convinced that it's the best fit for me; but we'll see how it goes. The company that I talked to last week is coming back to town for a second wave of interviews; and they seem quite interested. And, before that session (drum roll, please), the company that I am most interested in is flying me down to California to meet with the crew. Very cool!

Tomorrow, they're getting back to me with the final itierary; but the plan seems to be to fly me down on Saturday and get me back Tuesday morning. That'd be sweet, since I could have all of Monday to meet the team and take care of business, with some free time on the weekend that I could use to hook up with some friends. Liam, Joe, and Tayze are close to where I'll be; and Mandeep is also in the area. It'd be awesome to see all of them again, even for a brief visit.

As perhaps you can tell, I'm psyched! Life is good. I do need to actually get up early tomorrow (shudder); but nonetheless, life is good.


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