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2001-01-29 - 3:33

Take it to Dan

It was another typically quiet weekend. Aaron got back today; and we all went out for supper. We hit the Korea Garden, which was excellent, as always: top-notch food and great service. (I think that I get the same waitress every time that I go there.) It was cool to do something with all the roommates.

After that, we finally got around to watching Cool Hand Luke, which I picked up ages ago. Nobody else had seen it before; but they all seemed to like it. That is easily one of my favourite movies, so I was happy that it went over well. I've watched it at least four times now.

I think that I may back down on my tentative plan to check out a Rollins spoken word gig next month, since I hear that he's hitting Toronto in March (on a Saturday, which is a bonus).

I'm still trying to decide how to play it with A Perfect Circle. The Toronto show is sold out; but I'm sure that I could find tickets from a scalper. Then again, I did just see them in the summer; and I don't feel psyched about spending the night in Toronto again.

For club concerts, it's always iffy if I can catch the midnight bus back to Ottawa. Of course, if I don't, I haven't made any other plans, so I end up killing time on the streets. (The pizza place that stays open until 5:00 AM is a big help.) That experience was interesting a couple of times; but it's losing its appeal. (Hmm . . . I hope I'm not getting too old for that silliness . . . that ain't punk.)

So, I don't know how I'll play that one. I also would like to see Bratmobile in either Montreal or Toronto; but if APC isn't enough to make me give up a night, I doubt that I'll see Bratmobile. It'd be nice if a band actually came here for a change.

While I'm on the theme of uncertain plans, I'm not sure what I should do with the time off that I will probably have between when I take a new job and when I start working. Money plus free time plus lack of commitments seems to add up to a vacation; but I have no idea where I'll end up. Hopefully, I'll figure something out.

So, the theme for this entry is the fact that I am seriously lacking plans for the near future. If only I could get my hands on the Golden "An" and put it in the tan van. Barring that . . . ehh, I'll come up with something.


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