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2001-05-03 - 2:11

NP 3

I keep planning to go to sleep earlier; but it has yet to work out. Well, I'm not hitting sunrise like I was a few weeks back; but I can't seem to break the 2:00 barrier, either. At least I'm getting in some reading.

Today was, as the boss agreed, productive. It was a little slower getting going than I hoped; so no, I didn't get home in time to terrorize the neighbourhood kids with the water guns. I'll save it up until I track down the Splashzooka.

I should give Greg a call to find out when he's making his way to this town. Also, he's the only one I can really bitch/laugh about work to, since he knows what it's like working with the doctor. (It really is an experience that promotes the urges to bitch and laugh in varying degrees.) Luckily, I have my easy-going attitude to carry me through. Heh.

Actually, work is going well lately. If I could've convinced Dr. J to lend me some equipment, I'm sure that I could've finished my work here tomorrow; but alas.

I also spent a fair amount of time practicing guitar today, on the acoustic before I left this morning and on the electric after I came back home. I'm still constantly stuck with the need to play "The KKK Took My Baby Away." (I'm a sucker for the classics.)

On the music front, it looks like I have another concert to attend soon. Nashville Pussy returns to Ottawa on the 15th. With Aaron away, I'm not sure who I can snag for company; but I'll certainly be catching the band for the third year in a row. Maybe Flett will be up for seeing them this time.

I haven't been in a real mosh since November, so hopefully, they'll draw an active crowd. I'm also thinking that I'll use the concert as my motivation for applying the bottle of Manic Panic Purple Haze hair dye that's been sitting on my desk for a few weeks.

It's good to see more concerts shaping up. Now I'm just waiting for Ladytron to decide to hit North America in July, as the rumours are saying.


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