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2001-05-08 - 1:14

Work mode

Sleep in, work, get home sometime after 7:00, watch the Leafs get beat (yay!) . . . that's almost enough to kill the day. Bleh.

Fortunately, with the late schedule I keep, that actually leaves time to listen to some of the new CDs that arrived today. (I'm getting so psyched about Anticon . . . they've given me a new belief in hip hop.) Unfortunately, though, since I have roommates and neighbours who fail to see the beauty of the late shift, I can't exactly blast Sole on the stereo right now, as I would like to.

It was a productive day at work, for sure. With Dr. J's help, we had a breakthrough on the testing that I've been doing. I've become comfortable working from his basement, although I dislike the travel. One of the advantages of the new job is that the office is less than a fifteen minute walk away from my place; but they've been so slow getting the office ready.

I think that after tomorrow, I might be able to do my next work from home, which would be cool. I know that I complained before about working from home; but that was because I lacked direction on what to do, which wouldn't be the case now. We'll see if it shakes down.

I also plan on starting work late tomorrow, since I hope to get some banking details taken care of in the morning. I had an investment plan at my old job, but I have a deadline to have it transferred over to another account. And I think that the deadline is nowish.

Money stuff--bleh again. I definitely want to start saving again. I just want to have it all taken care of simply and quickly. Hopefully, I can hit it and quit it tomorrow.

Hmm . . . I'm spending more time talking about work and money than about new music . . . I'll have to put a stop to that.


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