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2001-05-12 - 2:27


I skipped writing an entry last night because if I had felt able to write anything, it would have been something for work. Instead, I put that off until this morning and just crashed.

Work is stressing me out lately, which is very unusual. I had two days in a row during which I found myself getting noticably upset about it. I think that I'm just frustrated about the manner in which the work has to be done lately. The lack of an office is very frustrating and it leads to a lot of running around and wasted time.

It doesn't help that I'm the kind of person who likes to have everything organized and I'm unable to arrange it that way lately. I need to know in advance what I need to accomplish, so I can figure out how and when to make it happen.

Enough stressing, though. I plan on relaxing this weekend, despite the fact that I do need to get together again with the boss before he goes away. I'll wind down in my spare time.

Loralei came by tonight and I went to the airport with her to pick up Aaron. It should be cool having him around for a couple of days. I don't think we have any plans yet, but I'm sure that something will come together (something that goes along with my not stressing).

Not too much else is on the go. I did find the time to look over an apartment for my friend Greg, who should be moving back to the capital soon. It looked like a nice place and, since I brought my digital camera, I got myself out of any responsibility for quality assurance. He can take a look and decide for himself. In any event, I'm looking forward to having Greg back in town. At least after he arrives, I'll be able to whine about work to him instead of on here. Heh.


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