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2001-11-05 - 2:11

Like a bee-bitten donkey

And the Yankees finally lose one in the ninth . . . woohoo!

Okay, so that was the only baseball game I watched all year, but I can still be happy at seeing the Yankees get knocked off. Plus it was great to see Randy Johnson get the win. I've been a fan of his for years.

I still remember watching Game 5 of Seattle-New York in 1995 with Damien and some of his friends. That game had a similar feel to tonight's, since Seattle was down and out in extra innings, only to make a comeback in the bottom of the inning. That was a lot of fun, especially since Damien and I were big fans of Randy Johnson and one of the two other guys there was cheering for the Yankees. You know that he was hearing it when New York blew it.

I also recall Damien being at my place a few years before that, watching with me and my father as the Phillies took on the hated Blue Jays. I remember the old man getting a blaze going in the fireplace and Damien falling asleep and waking up to the terrible news that the Jays were winning.

I think that the three of us were the only people I know who weren't cheering for Toronto back then, just because it's a Canadian city. Actually, it was the fake Jays fans coming out of the woodwork that made me hate the team so much. Well, that and the fact that it's hard to cheer for any team with "Toronto" in their title. Now, if the Expos ever made it, that would be a different story.

I haven't thought back to those games in forever. I'm surprised that those memories are ingrained in my mind. I definitely feel like writing Demento an e-mail, to see what he thought of the Series. I haven't seen him since I was still going to school in Halifax and we probably only exchange an e-mail or two a year lately; but I'm sure he'd have something to say about the Diamondbacks coming out on top.

Oh, and next year, it's the Reds all the way. (Heh.)


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