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2001-11-06 - 2:22

Make my rockin' world go 'round

Once again, I'm up past 2:00 AM. In fact, I think that everybody else in the house just went to bed a few minutes ago, too. However, at least this time, it has very little to do with DAoC.

Okay, I did play for a little while, but I also went out for supper, made a grocery run, and, most importantly of all, returned to form on the Blast Furnace.

The Furnace is beyond explainable now. I won't even link to it, since today's antics were spread out over too many threads simultaneously. Suffice it to say that I ended my Simpsons quoting strike, while retaining my honour, all thanks to the late Freddie Mercury.

Oh, and somewhere amongst the nonsense posting, I also flamed a few people who deserved it, particularly someone who was dropping his typical homophobic idiocy. Great fun. What more could I ask than a day of comedy and arguments?

Work will be a little different for a while, since today marked the start of two weeks without the boss. Of course, we have lots to do, so I won't slack off too much while he's gone. Ehh, he'll probably call six times a day, anyway. At least this time, he's not in Europe, so I shouldn't need to fear any 6:00 AM phone calls that include a discussion on how time zones work. Heheh.

(Okay, I'm sure this entry was meaningless to all; but trust me: when I reread it in a year, I'll laugh.)


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