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2001-11-18 - 3:08

Going for eight-hour walk

Well, I did go to work today for a few hours. I didn't get so much done, though. I'm unmotivated by what I'm working on lately; but I'm too tired at the moment to write about it.

And if that sentence didn't exude lethargy, I don't know how else to do so.

The plan tomorrow is to sleep in, watch the football game, and head back to work, hopefully for a more productive outing.

Eventually, I need to get around to doing other things that I've been putting off, like e-mailing everyone who I'm supposed to be e-mailing, getting over to Record Runner again, cleaning my ever-degrading room, and making a music mix. Oh, and laundry. Laundry would be a plus.

With the exception of laundry, everything on that list is going to suffer the consequences of the word "eventually."

3:08 AM . . . Homer sleep now.


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